April 2011
Volume XII, Issue II

From the editor's desk
The Triple Perfection
Sri Aurobindo
Aims of True Education: Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi – Beloo Mehra
Spiritual Activism, Spiritual Passivity and Integral Yoga – Larry Seidlitz It is, then, this spiritual fulfilment of the urge to individual perfection and an inner completeness of being that we mean first when we speak of a divine life. It is the first essential condition of a perfected life on earth, and we are therefore right in making the utmost possible individual perfection our first supreme business. The perfection of the spiritual and pragmatic relation of the individual with all around him is our second preoccupation; the solution of this second desideratum lies in a complete universality and oneness with all life upon earth which is the other concomitant result of an evolution into the gnostic consciousness and nature. But there still remains the third desideratum, a new world, a change in the total life of humanity or, at the least, a new perfected collective life in the earth-nature.
Sri Aurobindo's Theory of Poetry: Searching for a Complete Manifesto –Goutam Ghosal
    Sri Aurobindo
The Life Divine, p. 1031